Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The dangers of obesity

No exaggeration to say that obesity is the beginning of the occurrence of some dangerous diseases. As we have reviewed in the article "Obesity and its dangers to your health '. Obesity can increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and early death.

Not until there are, there is some risk of other diseases that can be caused by obesity, which can be life threatening, such as:

Cancer Risk
Obesity is associated with increased risk of some cancers, including endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus), colon, gall bladder, prostate, kidney, and postmenopausal breast cancer. Women who gained weight more than 10 kg from age 18 until middle age increases the risk of post-menopausal breast cancer by two-fold compared with women whose weight remained stable.

Risk or Fatty Liver Fatty Liver
The main causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder in which the cells become insensitive to the effects of insulin. One of the most common risk factor for insulin resistance is obesity, particularly central obesity. The study showed a strong correlation between obesity and the degree of liver damage.

Gall Bladder Disease Risk
The risk of gallstones is about 3 times greater in obese people compared with non-obese people.

Respiratory Risks
Obstructive sleep apnea (ie disruption of breathing during sleep) is more common in obese people. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of severe asthma and bronchitis, as well besitas hypoventilation syndrome and respiratory insufficiency.

Arthritis risk
Musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoarthritis, is much more common among obese patients, especially patients diagnosed with chronic obesity. Health studies show that obesity is a strong predictor for the symptoms of osteoarthritis, especially in the knees. The risk of osteoarthritis increases each increase of 1 kg of body weight.

Risks for Pregnant Women and Babies
Obesity has a negative effect on health, both mothers and newborns, both during and after pregnancy. Obesity during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of death in infants and mothers. It also raises the risk of high blood pressure in the mother, by 10-fold. Obesity during pregnancy is also associated with an increased risk of birth defects, such as spina bifida (a spinal deformities). Health problems related to obesity that occurs after childbirth include higher risk of the wound and endometrial infection, endometritis and urinary tract infections.

Lose Weight To Improve Your Health Status
Reduce a little weight can reduce your chances of getting heart disease or stroke. If you are overweight, then reduce weight by 10 percent can decrease your chances of heart disease by improving the work of your heart, your blood pressure, and blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Studies show that you can improve your health status by reducing 5 to 10 kg body weight if you are overweight.

Therefore, keep your weight and prevent obesity as early as possible to be able to have optimal health, because health is the most precious treasure


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