Monday, 25 January 2016

''4 Myths and Facts About Heart Disease''

''4 Myths and Facts About Heart Disease''

MYTH: Staying up late, drink coffee, and stress can trigger a heart attack.
FACT: Staying up late is indeed a factor that heightens the risk of heart attack. There are three related factors: the chaotic sleep patterns, the possibility of the surrounding environment is a smoker and stay up tend to be non-active activity. When you are in a stressful condition, adrenal hormones increases in large quantities, and it could be for the body of free radicals. If the coffee? Not true. You will only feel the heart pounding due to the caffeine contained in coffee

MYTH: A heart attack can definitely be recognized.
FACT: False. Some heart attack, especially if caused by ulcers stopper large blood vessels, it causes no symptoms. But of course there are strong reasons why a heart attack the number one killer in Indonesia and in the United States, and was dubbed "the silent killer". That's because 30% of cases have no symptoms of heart attack and ends with death. It's called sudden death. Notification for the first and last time. Sudden death is caused by the rupture of a small blood vessel ulcers, which are less than 50% blockage. Small plaques that are malignant. How come? He was not seen by examination of the electrocardiogram (ECG), not detected by the treadmill test. He will appear if done MSCT (multi slice CT) scan. From there comes the nickname silent killer.

MYTH: Chest pain left. Wow, a heart attack!
FACT: Can be yes and no. If the pain becomes more strongly felt when being active activism, and the symptoms decrease with nitrate medication under the tongue, then you could say heart disease. But when the pain in the chest may be designated clearly using a finger - and when pressed pain, muscle pain is most likely the chest. There are differences in the symptoms of heart disease among the people of Indonesia and America. In America, the typical symptoms of an attack is chest pain that radiates to the left arm and neck. While in Indonesia, most of the signs that appear are a pain in the pit of the stomach, bloating and as colds. A study at the University of Airlangga in the 1980s showed, when people feel cold examined, in fact 30% of those affected by coronary heart disease. Apparently, many Indonesian people have a blockage of blood vessels in the coronary artery LAD (left anterior descending). The blood vessels that lead to the front and bottom of the heart, so it feels like colds.

MYTH: A heart attack is only experienced by the elderly.
FACT: False. This myth is broken after the '90s, in which heart attack patients increasingly younger age. Today there are as many as 20% of cases of heart attack under the age of 40, 40% between the ages of 40-45 and 40% over the age of 50. From this development, everyone is advised to check and prevention early after the age of 25. According to the theory, atherosclerosis - inflammation in the blood vessels due to plaque buildup - can begin in childhood, as well as the formation of plaque in the blood vessel itself. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle needs to be applied early on to reduce risk factors. According to dr. Djoko Maryono, DSPD, DSPJ, PHASE, a heart specialist and disease in the Pertamina Hospital in Jakarta, there are three factors that increase the risk of heart disease, which is eating too much fat and sugar, physical inactivity and the effects of free radicals.

So if you do not want heart disease start living a healthy lifestyle, be it in food consumption, and supported by exercise and adequate rest. Hopefully this article can add insight and useful.

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