Prayer Movement for Health Benefits
Benefits of Prayer For Body Health
Prayer for Muslims is the pillar of religion should and must be carried out every day to worship God Almighty, did you know about the benefits of prayer alone, in addition to getting the reward for conducting worship in prayer turns sgerakan can also be beneficial to the health of our bodies without us knowing.
The first movement of the prayer is now Takbiratul ihram is lifting both hands parallel to the ear and then cuddled in front of the abdomen or lower chest us. Benefits of this movement itself to blood flow in the body, lymph or lymph and muscle strength in our arms. The position of the heart which is right under the brain makes the blood flow smoothly throughout our body. When both hands raised shoulder muscles stretched so that the flow of blood and oxygen to become more fluent in the body. Then the hands didekapkan the front of the abdomen or lower chest right. This movement of the body is able to prevent joint problems in the bones, especially in the upper body
2. BOW
Bow is the second movement in prayer, bowing movement now is when the position of the spine or back down straight or parallel, even a glass of water placed on the back will not spill if we do it the correct position. So also with the head aligned with the spine. nah bow movement itself has benefits for maintaining the perfection of the position and function of the spine as a buffer body and nerve centers in the body. Position parallel to the heart of our brain, so that blood flow will be maximal in the middle part of the body. Likewise, when the position of the hands on knees, this position will relax the muscles of the shoulder down to the bottom. bow is an exercise to prevent prostate problems.
Movement wake of the bow where the body back upright after raising his hands as high as the ear is called I'tidal. nah I'tidal movement while the benefits are excellent for pencernaah because the movement involve the stomach and other digestive organs so that the digestive organs as experienced pmijatan and easing.
Because the position of the brain while the heart is prostrate causes oxygen-rich blood can flow to the maximum of our brain, is a member flow positive effect on the person's thinking power. by that, do not do the prostration and tuma'ninah in tergesah Gesah so that blood flow runs well on our bodies, do not. This movement also can prevent hemorrhoids disorders and improve the flow of lymph in the body geth. Bow itself is menungging movement by putting both hands on the side of the head, and knees, and toes and the forehead on the floor or our prayer rug. Then particularly in view of the good Muslim Muslim prostration or bowing have tremendous benefits for fertility and female health.
In the prayer consists of two kinds of tahiyyat definite beginning and end of every Muslim tahiyyat already know. The difference has little difference lies in the position of the soles of our feet. Health benefits when tahiyyat the beginning is that we rely on the groin that are connected with nerve nerve Ischiadius This position can eliminate pain in the groin that often causes a person unable to walk again. Sitting Sedangkang tahiyyat end very well for men, because the heel suppress the flow of the bladder, male sex glands (prostate) and vas deferens channels when done correctly IRFI posture can prevent impotence illness suffered by someone. Variations position of the feet on iftirosy and tawarruk helped cause the entire limb muscles stretched and then relaxed again harmonic motion and pressure which maintain the flexibility and strength of the organs of the human body motion.
The latest move in the prayer that is turning the head to the right and to the left maximally called greetings. benefits which relax the muscles around the neck and head and enhance blood flow in the head. This regards movement can prevent headaches and keep the facial skin firmness.
Well, that's some of the prayer movement is beneficial for health. Hopefully this article useful for all readers, amin
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